Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sawhorse Desk

I have long been drooling over sawhorse style desks. I think they are the perfect combination of work meets play, clean yet stylish, minimalist yet functional. I also think they make an office more airy and less heavy than a standard style desk.

A few weeks ago Chase notified me that we will be needing to get a new desk when we move in together because his legs don't comfortably fit under my current desk. Perfect! Sounds like a great excuse to find my sawhorse desk.

I first laid eyes on this style desk when Chase and I were daydreaming through the local Ethan Allen store. Way, way out of our price range, but so beautiful.


I saw yet another sawhorse style desk at West Elm on our girls trip to Dallas. I like the simplicity of this one but I don't really dig the glass top.


As I was perusing around the internet I found this one from Pier1. Its a little more clunky but it gives you some storage.


This one, from JCPenny, I like because it gives you the storage but also has a very homey feel as opposed to a more workspace feel.


I also came upon some shelf style sawhorse legs at Ikea that I definitely think we could use for a diy project to get exactly what we want.

What do you think? Too simple? Lack of storage too much of a problem?


  1. I love the White Desk. Where do I find it? I searched Penny's, Pier 1 and IKea and can't find anything like it.

  2. I'm with yah. I would love to have a saw horse desk. I think I'm going to go the route of making mine though. My buddy has a garage. I don't think storage is an issue if you have an imac. The power cord is it. If you have a pc with a tower though it would probably be a problem. Just wouldn't look as good.
