Thursday, June 25, 2009

Moving on out

What does every 24 year old gal want to do? Well move back in with her parents of course!

Big changes are happening in the Pseudo Single household. I am leaving my beloved duplex near the beautiful park to move back in with my parents.

Why you ask? Well, Chase and I will be embarking on a journey to Dallas come December and we are going to buy a house. (gotta get that $8K tax credit!) So, in order to do the financially responsible thing and save some serious cash for a down payment, I am moving out of my rental and in with my parents. (who are kind enough to not charge me any rent.)

So the lack of posts lately can be directly attributed to all the stresses of moving. Cleaning out the house, donating things, packing things up, turning off all your bills, changing your address, getting a storage unit for all your stuff and on and on and on.

And my cute little place is now a holding place for boxes heaped upon other boxes.



I am sure going to miss my life in that duplex but good things are coming. And, my friend Jenn is moving into my place so I will still be able to hang out there!

1 comment:

  1. Ick. I could not do it. Granted, I like to hang out with my parents on Saturdays, go to lunch with my parents during the week, go on vacation with my parents... wait... maybe I do live with my parents.

