Friday, October 9, 2009

The Proposal Story

As some of you might know, last Friday the love of my life asked me to marry him. After nearly six years of dating my dream finally came true. I said, "Of course! Yes!" Enjoy the story.

Chase told me on Wed of that week to keep my Friday evening open because he was coming home to take me out. He also wouldn't tell me what we were doing. But not unusual for him so I thought nothing of it.

Friday evening he picked me up, looking super sexy I might add. Still, no suspicious thoughts on my part. Here is a pic we snapped prior to leaving.

Prior to the proposal

We hit the road to the secret destination. Honest to god, I still had NO clue. We ended up at the Friday Paseo Gallery Walk. It's a really neat this free for all gallery walk with fun exhibits and snacks. After walking through a few galleries we made our way to one I really like because of the very unusual contemporary style of art they showcase. As my eyes were making their way across the room I saw this...

Proposal Painting/Collage

It is a collage (which Chase has owed me since year one) of our last six years together. There is even a photo from our first date! It also has lyrics from our song, The Luckiest by Ben Folds. Once my eyes met the painting I was in shock. BUT, still no idea what was about to happen. As I asked a million questions (why is this here? Did you get permission? How? Wha?) Chase tried to calm me down. Once I settled down a little bit he told me he had to ask me a question. Then, he dropped to his knee.


I was SO surprised! He told me he loved me, that the last six years have been the best six years of his life and then he asked, "Will you marry me?" I said, "Of course, yes!" and he slipped the beautiful ring on my shaking hand. (I will also note that the gallery was full and all eyes were on me).


Then we got applause from the surrounding strangers. It was the most creative, romantic, thought-out, well planned, intimate and perfect proposal. I was blown away.

We finished off the evening with a romantic dinner at Red Prime Steak and then headed to the hotel where we met and kicked off our relationship six years ago.

THE most magical evening of my life. How sweet is my future husband?

And if you are wondering where the proposal pics came from...he planted a photographer.


  1. Yay! Not how I imagined the proposal panning out (hahaha!) but I'm so happy for you guys! I can't wait to see the shooting-star ring!

  2. Holy Cow that is the sweetest he's a keeper! Congratulations to you both!!!!!!!

  3. Congratulations pseudo golf pro... That's awesome. What a great story!
