Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Ellie: 9 Months

2016-01-02 00.13.53

9 Months in - 9 Months out. Insane to think that she is quickly on her way to turning 1! This past month she has really gotten mobile, crawling fast and pulling herself up constantly. She laughs all the time and will give you a big ol' grin for just looking in her direction. She is feisty about certain things and hates to be still for even a second. I used to think she was going to be our more chill child but everyday I start to think that we will definitely have our hands full with two high energy girls. I can hardly remember life before Ellie now and she is so special to our family. We love you Ellie Belly!

2016-01-02 00.13.22

20lbs 1oz, 28" long
Wearing size 3 diapers during the day and size 4 at night
Wearing 9-12 mo and 12 mo clothes
Teeth: 1! - her first tooth finally broke through on the bottom. yay!

Pulling anything and everything off any surface and onto the floor
Eating (current favorites are sweet potatoes, grapes, cheese, green beans and puffs)
Playing Peek-a-Boo
Her play table

Mom walking in the opposite direction (she really, really doesn't like this)
Her sister loving a little too hard
Being in the carseat for more than 5 minutes

Pulling up - girl is everywhere!
First Thanksgiving. Dominated the food portion of the holiday.
First extended period staying in OKC - we went for a week.
First tooth!
Sort of saying "Mama" but sometimes its "Mamamama"

Ugh. We hit the dreaded 9 month regression hard. She fights naps and sometimes they only last 30 minutes, she started fighting bedtime a bit and she is back to waking up once between 4am - 6am. Fun.

Ellie soaked up all the extra family time while back in OKC and got to meet her Great Grandma Ruth which was super fun. She continues to want to be near her sister and play with all the same toys!

2015-12-10 13.20.46

2015-12-10 16.19.06 HDR

2015-12-05 19.46.48

Molly at 9 months vs Ellie - couple of cuties!

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