Monday, February 22, 2010

Power Outage

If you have been wondering where my blog posts have been lately (because I know how much you to depend on them to get you through every single day), the answer is no power and busy ever changing life.

But...about that power outage that threw us in a tailspin.  A couple Thursdays ago a record snowfall of over a foot of thick, heavy, beautiful snow fell on the Dallas metroplex.  It was the most snowfall Dallas has ever, EVER, had.  All day Thursday we enjoyed the huge snowflakes falling from the sky and even made a snow evening with movies and hot chocolate.  It was awesome.  (I LOVE snow)



At around 3am Friday morning I woke up to the blue flashing of electrical sparks flying through the night sky coupled with huge loud popping sounds.  And then darkness...everywhere.  The transformer in our backyard blew.  No power.  The weight of all the heavy snow caused branches to fall on the power line.


By the next morning our house was down to 55 degrees and falling.  We couldn't take it.  We unpacked the fridge (went grocery shopping the day before) and put all our food in Chase's truck bed and then covered it with snow. Then we packed our own bags, got Paisley and headed to my cousins house where we would spend the next 3 nights and 4 days.  The snow melted by Friday afternoon but no power until Monday evening at 6pm. time for blog posts, no time for a proper Valentine's Day, no time for anything except calling our land line over and over again to see if the power had been restored.

And for the record...when we returned home on Monday we ran around the house flipping the lights on and off in every room.


1 comment:

  1. After the huge power outage of 2008 (when we lived in the duplexes) I have never taken electricity for granted.
