
Pregnancy #1: Molly Jean

Despite not exactly "planning" to get pregnant Chase and I found out we were expecting in February of 2011. Lots of nervousness, excitement, anxiety, research, preparation etc. etc. ensued.

I had a wonderful pregnancy and enjoyed every minute of it. I was fortunate enough to escape morning sickness, heartburn, and a slew of other pregnancy related ailments. I stayed active throughout my pregnancy and continued to do the things I loved like playing tennis and working out.

It was an amazing experience.

Below is a list of all my pregnancy related posts for baby #1.

Big News- Our Pregnancy Announcement
Bumpdate #1
Bumpdate #2
Bumpdate Recap

Guest Post on WritingChapterThree- Med Free Birth


Pregnancy #2: Ellie Ray

This time around we were trying...we were ready to expand our family. We were extremely fortunate to have an easy time getting pregnant and we are excited for this next baby and family member!

I have been tracking my progress and you can find all those posts below.

Baby #2 announcement
The First Trimester
Bumpdate: 20 Weeks
Bumpdate: 24 Weeks
Bumpdate: 28 Weeks
Bumpdate: 32 Weeks
Bumpdate: 36 Weeks
Birth Story

Pregnancy #3: Eden

This is Eden. In late summer 2017 we were overjoyed to find out we were adding to our family and then like that, we lost that little life. The grief and pain I endured as we struggled to let go was like nothing else I had ever gone through. I think about Eden everyday and I know Eden had a hand in protecting Riley. It’s an extremely painful place to love someone so much that you never got to meet. We are beyond blessed to celebrate our rainbow baby today and we know that this is all a part of His plan. We love you Eden and we look forward to meeting you one day.

Pregnancy #4: Riley Logan

After my miscarriage and loss of Eden I was completely heartbroken. But I knew that our family was not done growing so we were so elated to find out I was pregnant in December of 2017 with Riley. Her pregnancy was so completely different from the others after going through a miscarriage. The beginning was scary and I was very nervous but as the days, weeks and month went by and our baby was healthy we began to grow very excited. She arrived quite early at 32 weeks after I had to kick her out because of pre-eclampsia but she was a fighter and our rainbow baby is happy and healthy!

Birth StoryPart 1
Birth Story Part 2