Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Riley: 6 Months

Its hard to believe that Riley is 6 months old. Her birth and subsequent NICU journey seem like they just happened. Its all still so raw for me. But she has kept growing and hitting milestones and now, all of a sudden, she is as close to a year as she is to birth. I love it and I hate it all at the same time. I am trying my very best to treasure every moment because its all going by way too fast! Riley is a pure joy to be around and just the happiest sweetest baby. It doesn't take much to get smiles and giggles out of her and you can feel her smile from her toes all the way up her body. She is so chill (which was not always the case) and for the most part just goes with the flow. I cannot imagine our family without her in it and we have been so blessed these past 6 months. We love you SO much baby girl!

12lbs 11oz (5th % - on the regular non-preemie chart!)
24.6" long (10th %)
Wearing size 1 diapers
Just graduated to 3-6/6mo clothes

Laying and exploring on her play mat
Watching her sisters goof around and be crazy
The ceiling fan
Anything that makes the crinkly sound
Cuddling with her Mama

Honestly, not much. Being overtired.

Started baby food!! Oatmeal and some sweet potato, banana and apples.

Hit or miss with naps. Usually takes an 1 - 1.5hr nap 2x a day with a catnap thrown in if needed.
At night she sleeps great! She goes to bed around 7:30ish and will wake up once between 3am-6am and then go back down til around 8-8:30am.
She also moved out of the swaddle this month and into the Magic Merlin Sleepsuit and has done great!

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