Monday, February 27, 2012

My Network

When we moved to Dallas a little over 2 years ago (Wow! Has it been that long) I left behind lots of great friends and all of our family. And since I work from home my access to new friends was pretty limited. Fortunately we made friends with several of our neighbors and I connected with a few college friends that live in Dallas. But none of them have kids. And when I became pregnant it didn't really hit me how important other Mom friends were going to be.


Now that I am 3 1/2 months into this whole Mom thing I have found a new network of people to lean on in a few places.

1. Social Networks- thank god for technology. If it hadn't been for the forums, Facebook, Twitter and the countless blogs I read I would be a complete mess and totally lost. I quickly changed my blog feed from all the wedding blogs I was reading to my new list of Mommy blogs. Sharing stories, tips and venting through all of these channels has been a blessing.

2. Google- if you come to my house, log-on to my computer and open up Google search it will immediately auto fill with any sort of baby related topic. Color of baby poop, normal sleeping amounts, the best swaddling blankets, how to get your baby to take a pacifier and countless other baby questions. If it weren't for Google Molly would probably have gone to the doctor unnecessarily a million times by now.

3. MOPS- Mothers of Preschoolers (or any age kid really). This organization was recommended to me by my doctor when I voiced my lack of Mom friends and the desperate need to get out of the house with my fussy baby. It has been a lifesaver! I have met some absolutely wonderful women and their adorable kids. And am learning a wealth of information through my new network of Mom friends and the speakers they bring in to the bi-weekly meetings. Plus, nobody bats an eye at a wailing baby.

4. Church- This is the newest of the networks. We actually just went to church for the first time with Molly this past Sunday. Church hasn't always been a part of our lives but now more than ever I feel like its important. And its a great place to socialize with other parents.

I never imagined this would be my new "inner circle" this time last year. But boy would I be a miserable excuse for a functioning person right now without them.

And I still lean on my friends and family...they have helped keep me sane and feel normal when I get a little lost in this new parenting world.


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