Monday, September 10, 2012


Life has been hectic and crazy -- but in a good way. And the easiest way for me to share, because of the craziness, is a nice and organized list of what has been going on lately.

1. Vacation- we took our first trip away from Molly and escaped to Chicago (my favorite city) to stay with family and friends. It was a fantastic trip. We slept in, we napped, we stayed out late. It was exactly what we needed and more. A full Chicago post is coming.

2. Rise and Shine!- since we returned home from our vacation Molly has been fighting naps and waking up SUPER early. Her normal nighttime sleep is 8 to 8. For 2 weeks she has been getting up earlier and earlier. 6:30am this morning. What! Not okay. I am struggling to deal with how to adjust her schedule accordingly. Its stressing me out.

3. Fall Weather- this past weekend some cooler temperatures finally arrived in Dallas. A, ghasp, "cold" front! Highs in the mid 80's which mean mornings in the high 60's. Bliss. We spent the extra early morning hours (see above) outside enjoying the beautiful weather.

4. 1st Birthday- Molly is 10 months old today! Unreal. I can't even begin to understand how this has happened. To cope, I am starting to plan her first birthday party. Fortunately one of my very good friends is extremely gifted in the DIY department so I am going to abuse our relationship for my benefit. : ) We had our first planning meeting last night. Its going to be EPIC!

5. Packed Lunches- last night I packed my first lunch for Molly. I almost cried (not really). Today was her first day at Mother's Day Out. She will be going 2 days a week from 9:30am - 2:30pm. And when I dropped her off I didn't cry! Wohoo. 

6. First 10k- my first ever 10k is this Saturday -- probably should have trained. Luckily the weather is going to be really nice so theres that. I am thinking it will be more of a wog than a run. Whoops!

Things have been pretty interesting, entertaining, busy and fun around here lately. And the next few months (birthday party, holidays) are going to be even crazier. Hang on tight!!

Oh, and happy 10 Months beautiful girl. It has been an amazing ride.


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