Thursday, July 11, 2013

Munchkin Meals: Lately

I just realized the last time I contributed to Munchkin Meals was last November! Say wha? Don't worry, we are still feeding Molly. Part of the reason is probably that I don't think our meals are all that exciting. We have a couple rules when it comes to mealtime and we try to keep it healthy but other than that its pretty basic stuff. As always, big thanks to Brittany at A Healthy Slice of Life for hosting this linkup. Her recipes and meals are always fact I pinned a couple that I am trying this week!

Our goal for every meal is to get 1 protein, 1 fruit and 1 veggie. Sometimes she only eats the fruit, sometimes only the protein and on occasion every single thing on her plate (and every now and then almost ever single thing goes on the floor). When she eats well she might get a treat like an animal cookie or some organic fruit snacks.

Molly has started getting up earlier and earlier these days (not fun!) but we always start everyday with a cup of hemp milk. As soon as she cracks her little eyes open she asks for her milk. That is usually around 6:45am. After she has her milk she usually has a banana and some organic fruit loops.

Real breakfast is served around 8:30am. A typical breakfast is 1 1/2 egg, strawberries/blueberries/leftover banana and toast. She also really likes turkey sausage so she has that several days a week as well.


Around 10:15 she is ready for  a snack. For her morning snack she gets yogurt or raisins or a Nutrigrain bar. She basically munches on this while playing until its time for lunch.

Lunch is served at 11:45-Noonish. This fluctuates depending on if we are at home or out and about. I usually let her watch a little bit of Bubble Guppies while she eats lunch so I can get some work done. For lunch she usually has nitrate free mesquite turkey/half an all natural hot dog/chicken nuggets, avacado/grape tomatoes/green beans, some puff snacks and grapes.

Right after lunch she goes down for her nap. Lately she has been napping about 2.5 hours. When she wakes up she expects a snack immediately.

Apples have been her thing lately. She loves them. She will snack on an apple on and off all afternoon. She has also been enjoying the Sprouts Organic Foods fruit chews.



Because Molly is constantly in motion she burns a lot of calories and is almost always hungry. When she doesn't have a snack available she will run to the pantry and request something.

By about 6:30 she is ready for another full blown meal. Most of the time she eats what we are eating unless its something I know she won't like. I always offer her what we are eating and I will have a back-up if I know she probably won't like it. She has become very weird about textures so things like veggie lasagna she won't touch.

On this night we had tacos so Molly had a plate of deconstructed tacos. Tortilla, taco meat, avocado and tomatoes with grapes.


During all her meals she drinks water. She isn't a big fan of juice of any kind and I don't really want her to have it anyways. She also gets another cup of milk after bath before she goes to bed.

Pretty tasty stuff! My husband often jokes about how he wishes I made him breakfasts like I make Molly.  : )


  1. Hah! I'm so glad to hear you are still feeding her and didn't stop last November ;)
    Her foods look great and it makes me want to pick up some turkey sausage. Sounds like a fun mix up for breakfast!
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. I'm so impressed by how much she eats! My little guy is definitely not eating that much these days. I also like seeing moms who choose not to use cows milk... we're about to wean off of formula and I think hemp and coconut milk are going to be our milk options.

  3. Some days Molly eats a lot and other days she just picks at stuff. But she can put some food away when she wants to!

    We chose hemp milk because she has a dairy intolerance plus we don't like all the ingredients in cows milk. She loves it!

  4. Definitely try the turkey sausage, Molly devours it!

  5. Amy Adelsberger7/14/2013 09:09:00 AM

    So fun! I am having a hard time getting my guy to eat what we are having bc he will not eat meat of any kind! It is SO frustrating sometimes...and I always have to prepare two meals...hopefully this is just a phase and he will grow out of it soon :)
