Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Simply Fall: simple/modern fall decor

Fall is by far my favorite time of year. It doesn't hurt that my birthday happens to be in October, THE best month. Something about the crispness in the air and the smell of something hearty cooking in the crock pot. In Dallas Fall takes its sweet time getting to us but that doesn't mean I can't make my surroundings feel like Fall as soon as the calendar hits October.

My aesthetic is self described as modern rustic. A mix of timeless mid century with straight lines and a minimilist outlook but with a bit of rustic charm thrown in. Who knows if anybody else thinks it looks good but I like it. So when its time to decorate for Fall I like to keep it pretty simple. Nice oranges and yellows, some warm textures and pumpkins. Lots of pumpkins.

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hello. and welcome.

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Pumpkins! I will admit, I have even added a few more since this photo was taken, along with a ginormous purple mum. I added some fun gold and black touches to a few of the pumpkins to liven them up a bit. And of course we will be carving one of them.

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The entryway is one of my favorite spaces in our entire house. It always feels so clean and tidy. Mostly because we never actually DO anything in that space. (ignore my husbands drill)

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I enjoy mixing real pumpkins with "fake" pumpkins in different textures and materials. Including paper.

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My make shift mantle (we have no fireplace/mantle!!) is my absolute favorite. I removed some of the "every season" items and added in layers of Fall. I did a couple quick diy canvas art and filled the bird feeder with candy corn. Throw in a couple pumpkins and perfection!

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Not overdone, just simple and clean Fall tossed in a few key places around the house.

Happy Fall Ya'll!

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