Friday, July 1, 2011

friday five: 3 day holiday weekend


What is better than a 3 day weekend?  Throw in a holiday with food and fireworks.  Come on!  Perfection. With all the big plans out there, we are keeping our holiday weekend simple.  No boats, no road trip, just good ol' fashion weekend fun.

4th of July Friday Five:

  1. Family- My parents and my little brother (by little I mean 23) are coming to town to hang out and enjoy what the weekend has to offer.
  2. Shopping- What better to do with your Mom and a big ol' city like Dallas than go shopping.  I see some baby purchases in our future.
  3. Food- Grilling and ballpark hot dogs with strawberries and apple pie thrown in.  Yum!
  4. Baseball- an all out family affair at the ballpark to watch the Rangers.  Does it get more American?
  5. Fireworks- home grown and professional.  The only acceptable combination.
What is everyone else up to on this glorious 3 day weekend?  Whatever it is, be safe and have fun!  And oh yea..don't forget to turn off that alarm for Monday morning.

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