Monday, July 23, 2012

Exploring the Metroplex: Dallas World Aquarium

The Dallas/Ft Worth area has tons and tons of great attractions and areas to explore. We have made our way to several and established a few favorites (Dallas Arboretum, White Rock Lake) but there are others that after living here for over 2 years we hadn't ventured out to. This past weekend, while my Mom was in town, we crossed one off the list -- The Dallas World Aquarium.

The DWA sits in the heart of downtown Dallas in a converted 1801 warehouse. You walk off the busy streets of downtown and into another world.

Now that Molly is 8 months old we thought this would be a great time to introduce her to the aquarium and have some fun of our own. So my Mom, Molly and I took off for a new adventure!




Molly was very quiet the entire time and you could see her really taking it all in. It was also pretty crowded so besides the animals she did a lot of people watching as well. 

One of the coolest parts was the sea lion tank. Molly was able to get right up to the tank and the sea lions kept swimming right up to her face. I was too busy playing with her and introducing her to the sea lions to snap a pic.

Her favorite part was the fish. She loved getting up to the fish tanks and following the different fish around. She did lots of talking to the fish.




She was also very intrigued by the flamingos.


We had a great time and I would definitely give this place a visit if you are in Dallas. Its a great indoor summer activity to avoid the 100 degrees + temps that we have been having!


Can't wait to take her back when she is older and watch her explore it all over again!

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