Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the oklahoma state capitol

When Chase and I first started discussing locations for our wedding ceremony we were struggling to come up with a good place. Neither of us are active in churches and the ones we found that we liked were charging huge prices to use their chapels. After that we both decided that we didn't want to get married in a church anyways. There was a few weeks of wanting to get married outside and trying to figure out how that would work...too difficult. Then Chase remembered that a friend of his got married in the state capitol. How cool is that. Plus...its FREE! Bonus!

After going and taking a look at the space, looking at photos from his friends wedding ceremony plus the tie-in of my dad designing the dome (he was the chief architect on the dome project) we decided this was the perfect place to say our I Do's.

This past weekend my Mom and I made a trip to the capitol to really iron out the details of the space and how the ceremony was going to work. The place is absolutely beautiful...no need for decorations. Another bonus. We took a few pictures so I thought I would share.



Hallie and Chase-304

I can't wait to get married in such a beautiful and historical place.  A great way to showcase where we came from and where we call home.

81 days and counting.

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