Thursday, January 13, 2011

the one day cleanse

About 4 months ago Chase came home from school (he is in Chiropractic school) with a bag full of ingredients for us to participate in a cleanse.  He was really excited about it so I got excited about it.

The cleanse is a 21 day process that involves shakes with cleanse, whey and fiber powder, cleanse pills, vegetarian diet, no caffeine and no alcohol.  The idea is to rid your body of harmful toxins and replace those toxins with healthy vitamins etc.  I knew my body could use it so I was in.


Well yesterday we started the cleanse and yesterday we quit the cleanse.  We made it one day. Woot!  After spending the evening sitting on the couch with massive stomach hunger pains, pounding headaches and a general feeling of yuckiness we made the decision that we were not mentally prepared nor did we have a good game plan for how to approach the cleanse.  We need to quit and come back to it when we are ready to attack it head on.

But, we are moving forward with eating healthier.  We bought a ton of fruit and veggies for the cleanse so our fridge is stocked with good foods.  We are also pledging to not drink during the week (except for special occasions) and we are going to try to eat vegetarian 2-3 times per week.  The one thing I am not giving up is my morning coffee.  The caffeine is what gets me moving with a positive attitude for the day. Gotta have it.

So, we will try this again in a couple months and I will make sure to let you all know.

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