Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Molly: 11 Months

Here we are, one month away from the big 1. I am in shock, denial, awe, etc. etc. etc. It is almost unfathomable to me that my teeny tiny baby is almost a year old. Time should not move this fast. 

This last month has been relatively uneventful but we had lots of fun! With the coming of Fall brought lots of new activities to partake in. We hit up pumpkin patches and pumpkin villages galore! Molly loves to use pumpkins as drums. She thinks its hilarious.

She has adapted well at Mothers Day Out and they tell me she is so much fun the entire time she is there. I am so glad she took to it and I really enjoy those precious few hours each week to work and get stuff done.

Her favorite things to do lately are point at everything and then of course expect you to take her to whatever is pointing at. Gets exhausting. She has also learned to blow kisses which is pretty darn adorable. And we successfully taught her how to make the touchdown sign. We say touchdown and she throws her arms up in the air. Its coming in handy on game days!

We are still working on the walking thing. Just a couple hours ago she stood up on her own (no assistance from a chair or ottoman etc.) and then took off across the room. Its only a matter of days I think. So much fun to see her start walking. Makes you so proud as a parent.

Molly is a sassy little one and always keeps us on our toes. Something she likes one day she hates the next and I "think" she has started to throw tantrums (fun!) but she is also full of smiles, laughs, and squeals. I am so happy I get to be her Mom. She is an amazing little person.

As always, Happy 11 Months Molly. We love you more than you will ever ever know.


Stats: {unofficial}
Weight- 19lbs
Height- 28" or so
Head- ?

Wearing mostly 9-12mo clothing and some 12-18mo. Still in size 3 diapers.


Cruising around the coffee tables and other furniture
Doing "touchdown!"
Playing with pumpkins
Playing patty cake
Playing catch with her soft football


Getting Dressed and Diaper Changes
General not getting her way (uh-oh)


Blowing kisses


Sometimes she says Mama but only when she is upset. 

Giving us some fits lately, has started spitting things out and getting picker. We suspect it might be teeth. She eats 3 main meals and has 1-2 snacks a day.

Back on track with bedtime and overnight sleep. Naps are a shot in the dark. Who knows! Sometimes 1.5hrs sometimes 35 min. Still taking two a day.




Walking off the set.




1 comment:

  1. Can I say she is the cutest baby ever? Even though she is my granddaughter?
    Love her. Love her. Love her!
