Friday, December 26, 2008

Little houses made of candy

Gingerbread houses! Believe or not, I assisted in building my very first gingerbread house this holiday season.

Because it was our first attempt at this my mom bought a gingerbread house kit from Target. We thought we probably needed to start off small then work our way up to actually making the entire thing ourselves.

My brother, my mom and I all spent a couple hours together doing some holiday bonding and arguing over who got to squeeze the icing for the shingles and who got to decorate the actual gingerbread man.

It took a steady hand to get those shingles iced correctly. I let my mom and brother handle that, I was not the best at using the icing bag.

The kit came with all different kinds of candy. It was fun trying to figure out what to do with those and stealing a bite here and there.

Our level of creativity was not super high so in the end it actually ended up looking a lot like the picture on the box. Oh well. We did add our touch on the back of the house where we attached the gingerbread man who had fallen from the roof while putting up the lights. (I failed to get a pic of this)

After we were done we displayed our handy work prominently in the family room at my parents house for all to see. We did get some compliments.

Christmas day we thought we would devour all of our hard work. Except it was gross! Gingerbread that is made to "last" over a year...not tasty.

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