Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Red Meat is Back

Every year I give up a couple things for lent (read about it here).

One of them was red meat. The lack of red meat actually made me feel better over the past 40 days but I just can't shake the intense need for a cheeseburger. Burgers are one of my absolute favorite foods and I have missed it SO much.

A couple days ago I had my first burger in what seems like FOREVER! (insert Sandlot pronunciation here)

It was absolutely delicious.

However, I felt horrible the rest of the day and into the next day.

New rule, only "quality" red meat for me. Translation= steaks.

1 comment:

  1. I have gradually been phasing red meat out of my life but I still love freaking Red Robin. Though I have discovered, with enough seasoning, turkey makes a pretty good substitute (though when it comes to beef jerky, I accept NO substitutes).
