Thursday, April 22, 2010

Skinny Vanilla Latte

This morning, while walking into Starbucks, I totally called the drink order of the two girls that were walking in before me.

Two tall skinny vanilla lattes.

They were also riding in a brand new BMW with a personalized car tag.

Called it!


  1. Hallie - WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! That's my drink, AND my personalized license though :)

  2. Wait, isn't that the same thing YOU always order, but refuse to call it by it's new precocious name and instead still call it like Low-Fat, Sugar-Free Vanilla Latte?

    Mickie told me all about this.

    Because I've been ordering a lot of Skinny Vanilla Lattes lately.

    I have not, however, been driving a BMW lately.


  3. @emily- hahah! It doesn't mean anything. And when did you get a BMW?

    @Tara- I can't believe you order unoriginal. And no, my drink is a tall bold drip with a tiny bit of steamed milk w/foam. No BMW? Why not?
