Friday, April 9, 2010

weekend plans

Another weekend is here! What do we have going on? Well, its a free weekend so we are going to have a little fun just the two of us. And Chase has tons of studying to do...blah!

Weekend Plans:
  1. Friday night dinner with extended family- cousins are in town for a couple birthdays. (but they are staying elsewhere!)
  2. Grocery store- boring, I know.  We have been living on scraps from the back of the pantry for days.
  3. Texas Rangers game- first baseball game of the season!  yay!  Hotdogs, beer and the crack of the wooden bat.  It doesn't get any better.
  4. Wedding planning- ugh.  Major change of plans for our wedding so trying to work through that.
  5. Wedding website- the change of plans has pushed this back but hopefully I can launch it this weekend.
  6. Park- a weekend must for us.
  7. Study, study, study- Chase has 3 big tests next week.  Eek!
Pretty lame weekend but we are excited about that.   Hope everyone else has a fun weekend in store!

Rangers vs Braves game two years ago


  1. "Wedding planning- ugh. Major change of plans for our wedding so trying to work through that."

    This is stressing your readers that aren't in-the-know out. So I will let everyone know that you and Chase are still getting married.

  2. @Kathleen- thanks for notifying everyone! YES...we are still very much getting married, we just don't know where! : (
